Läs om våra produkter & matchbiljetter till AC Milan
AC Milan kräver födelsedatum, och i vissa fall passkopior, på samtliga utländska besökare som besöker en AC Milan match.
I de fall då AC Milan kräver en kopia på besökarens pass meddelas detta av GO Sport Travel. Besökare måste även ta med sitt pass till arenan för att kunna styrka sin identitet.
Adress: GO Sport Travel AB Lasarettsgatan 12, 891 33 Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
E-mail: info@gosporttravel.com
A new tourist overnight accommodation city tax is applied in Milan, Italy starting from 01 July 2012 as payable directly to the hotel. The tax is 1.00 Euro per star.
1.00 Euro for 1 star hotels, 2.00 Euros for 2 star hotels, 3.00 Euros for 3 star hotels, 4.00 Euros for 4 star hotels, 5.00 Euros for 5 star hotels.The tax is per person and night and is applied for a maximum of 14 nights.
The city tax does not apply for residents of the city of Milan, minors (up to the age of 18) and students (up to the age of 26).
We would like to remind you that from 5th of March 2025 you can register/apply for an ETA, for entry into the UK from 2nd of April 2025 onwards.